From feedback management to feedback prevention
The new ultra-fast detectors and breaker signal in OpenSound Optimizer prevents feedback from occuring.*
1. Hearing aid without feedback management
No anti-feedback system, no detectors: Audible and uncomfortable
feedback rises and persists, dramatically reducing speech understanding.
2. Traditional anti-feedback with slow detectors
With this reactive technology,
feedback rises and becomes audible. Utilizing gain reduction and other measures, the hearing aid slowly returns to stability. Audibility, sound quality and speech understanding are compromised.
3. Hearing aid with OpenSound Optimizer
With ultra-fast detectors feedback risk is identified and breaker signal is instantly engaged in risk areas – before sound quality is affected – preserving audibility and speech. As the feedback risk decreases, breaker signal is seamlessly deactivated, with preserved audibility and speech.
* Callaway 2019, Oticon Whitepaper