Technology and research insights, delivered by the Centre for Applied Audiology Research (CAAR) at Oticon headquarters in Denmark.

Reduced tinnitus impact using Oticon hearing aids equipped with Tinnitus SoundSupport™

This paper will first describe current clinical methods for tinnitus management including sound therapy, counselling, and cognitive behavioural therapy. An overview of Oticon Tinnitus SoundSupport™ follows.

Better speech clarity in Oticon Own™ SI

Own SI, Oticon’s new generation of custom IIC and CIC hearing aids, features an upgraded Deep Neural Network (DNN) for noise suppression and a novel approach to handle loud and soft sudden sounds more precisely.

Reducing sustained listening effort and listening stress with Oticon Intent™

In this Research Brief we evaluate the effectiveness of the 4D Sensor technology in Oticon Intent in reducing listening effort and listening stress compared to Oticon Real™.

Superior speech clarity and access to speech cues - Oticon Intent™ competitive benchmark

In this Research Brief we evaluate Oticon Intent™ against four top competing brands when simulating an intimate conversation in a diffuse listening situation.

Expanding personalised fitting opportunities with Oticon Intent

This whitepaper will go into details with how the new offerings from Oticon offer the most personalised fitting opportunities to date.

Fitting and counselling with Audible Contrast Threshold (ACT™)

This paper will provide an overall understanding of how ACT works, the rationale for its use as part of the fitting flow to your client (and when to do so), as well as suggestions on how to use the ACT value as a counselling tool to strengthen a person-centered care approach during your appointments.

Oticon Intent™ - Clinical evidence

This whitepaper reviews the user benefits of Oticon Intent, following a journey along the auditory system from ear to brain.

4D Sensor technology and DNN 2.0 in Oticon Intent™

This whitepaper goes through two major innovations in MoreSound Intelligence (MSI) 3.0: 4D Sensor technology and new Deep Neural Network (DNN) 2.0.

Improving comfort and speech clarity in wind – Oticon Real™, new competitive benchmark

Through a systematic technical study, we examined how Oticon Real performed in windy conditions in comparison to hearing aids from three top competitors each with their wind noise management systems set to the maximum activation setting.

SuddenSound Stabilizer for veterans

This whitepaper investigates whether SuddenSound Stabilizer (SSS) can help veterans cope with disturbing sudden sounds by recording the brain responses of 13 Danish veterans using electroencephalography.

Supporting the Communication Experiences of Teens with Hearing Loss

Results showed that Oticon Real managed wind noise and sudden sounds better than their current hearing aids. Self-rated listening fatigue was also lower with Oticon Real.

Clinical Studies with Oticon Play PX

Exploratory research studies were completed in the areas of paediatric hearing aid selection, supporting best practices in hearing aid fitting for infants and young children, and voice emotion recognition for children and teens wearing hearing aid technology.

Oticon Own™ Evidence

This whitepaper presents the evidence behind the Oticon Own custom hearing aids. It covers the audiological improvements and BrainHearing™ benefits that are now available for custom users. ​

MoreSound Intelligence for single-microphone custom hearing aids

This paper will describe the differences between MoreSound Intelligence in single- and dual-microphone hearing aids.

Oticon Play PX: Supporting Communication, Learning and Inclusion for Children and Teens

Children and teens with hearing loss require full access to sound and communication to grow, thrive, and learn. While conventional hearing aid technology may not fully support these opportunities, research has shown that the new features in Oticon Play PX promotes full access.

Oticon More™ new evidence – Reducing sustained listening effort

This whitepaper presents the results of a clinical study that investigated the benefits of the key feature in Oticon More™ – MoreSound Intelligence™ (MSI) – in listening effort.

Offering the utmost support for new clinicians

This whitepaper is the second edition of the Oticon Optimal Fitting Series, where we take a clinical dive into new offerings from Oticon.

Paediatric BrainHearing™

Based on independent research studies by paediatric audiology researchers around the world, we have been able to show that Oticon hearing aids provide better access to speech information, improvements in speech understanding in noisy environments, and reduced listening effort.

Connectclip in the classroom and in the home

This whitepaper explores the applications and use of ConnectClip. Special attention is given to ConnectClip as a remote microphone system (RMS) for children and adults. Results from the ConnectClip RMS field study with teens and tweens is also discussed.

Amsterdam OSN Children Study

This whitepaper reports a study performed at VU University medical center in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, which showed that OpenSound Navigator™ on speech improved understanding and reduced listening effort in noise for children with hearing loss.


The smallest hearing aids from Oticon has become even smaller and can fit more ears, actually more than 8 out of 10. This paper describes the improvements made in the design and production to make it possible along with the data we have gathered over a 9 month period to document the improvements.

Closing a gap to normal hearing

This whitepaper provides useful knowledge about listening effort in a normal-hearing population and may be used as a reference to studies that investigate listening effort in people with hearing loss.

Oticon Opn S Clinical Evidence

This whitepaper presents a summary of the clinical research studies investigating the client benefits of the key features introduced in Opn S, namely the OpenSound OptimizerTM and new automatics in the OpenSound Navigator, namely the OSN Booster.

BrainHearing Evidence

This whitepaper provides very unique new evidence behind the OpenSound Navigator and shows that across a range of noisy environments, people with hearing loss using Opn1 do as well as normal hearing peers in terms of speech understanding and a measure of brain load.

OSN Teen Study Results

This whitepaper provides very unique new evidence behind the OpenSound Navigator and shows that across a range of noisy environments, people with hearing loss using Opn1 do as well as normal hearing peers in terms of speech understanding and a measure of brain load.

OpenSound Navigator for Custom Instruments

Clinical data shows that dual microphone Oticon Opn custom is on par with the dual microphone Oticon Opn miniRITE in a speech intelligibility test, and that the single microphone version of OpenSound Navigator provides benefits in noise.

Fitting Opn for persons with tinnitus

People with hearing loss and tinnitus need extra support in many every day listening environments.

Data-driven hearing care with HearingFitness™

Oticon shares openly its innovative vision and roadmap.

OpenSound Navigator™

This paper describes the new technology implemented in Oticon Opn™, OpenSound Navigator. An overview of the underlying technologies and the new Oticon Genie 2 interface.

Wind Noise Management

The new wind noise management feature in Opn estimates wind noise 500 times/sec. The speed and power available on the Velox platform make it possible for Opn to quickly and sufficiently attenuate wind noise, even between words.

Opn™ 30/20/20 clinical evidence

This whitepaper presents a summary of the clinical studies investigating the end-user benefits of the new signal processing introduced in Oticon Opn on cognitive effort, memory recall, and speech recognition performance.

Benefits of Oticon Opn for people with hearing loss and tinnitus

A research study that shows that the benefits of a significantly reduced listening effort with the OpenSound Navigator™ for people with hearing loss applies at least as succesfully for people with tinnitus.

REM Cookbook

A short guide to best practices when performing real ear measurements in the clinic. The cookbook is based on the most commonly used input signals, hearing aid styles and rationales, and external equipment.

Velox™ Platform

The Velox chip is built for hearing aids and for the advanced digital signal processing used to give hearing aid users the best possible experience with hearing aid technology. This tech paper will describe the Velox chip, its digital signal processing architecture, and the new wireless capabilities in TwinLink™.

Feedback shield LX

Feedback shield LX is the ultimate enabler of OpenSound Navigator, the technology in Opn which allows hearing aid wearers access to more sound in their surroundings while maintaining good speech understanding, recalling more of conversations afterwards, and reducing listening effort.

Amplifying soft sounds

An introduction to amplification in today’s digital hearing aids and highlights to the strengths of Oticon’s technologies VAC+, Speech Guard, and Soft Speech Booster. These technologies optimize audibility and speech cue preservation in all environments.

Bimodal Hearing Aid Fitting Guidelines

As developed by Carisa Reyes, Staff Audiologist at Boys Town National Research Hospital, the bimodal fitting flowchart serves as a guide to clinical audiologists as they navigate the bimodal fitting process. The goal is to provide a logic- and evidence-based method for decision-making, yet keeping in mind the constraints in everyday clinical practice.

Client Target and REM

Client Target is the Genie 2 fitting software concept designed to help the clinician achieve even more successful first fittings, right from the start. This document explains how the graph view has changed for all rationales in the new Genie 2 fitting software.

About the research authors

CAAR investigates benefits of hearing technology in collaboration with leading researchers globally. It ensures that Oticon uses the best available research methods for the purpose and also explores new and yet unseen benefits. The Centre further delivers insights on new technology developed by Oticon. The collaboration between CAAR and the Eriksholm Research Centre ensures that Oticon has an evidence-based approach to developing its’ BrainHearing™ technologies.